Although I have written about our small Linux box connected to the TV before, all my presentations to date have been using screen capture software on the PC.
So the other day having been away for a few months I switched on my original box, which I must have bought more than a year ago to find it worked just as well the first day.
As a result I decided to make another video using my mobile phone so that you can get a better idea of how this incredibly small the box is and how nice it is to work with a remote.
So why would you buy one of these boxes, well obviously if you are a British expat and want to watch UK TV in your country and a little fed up having to watch from your PC or laptop or if you have your Laptop connected to the TV then I think you will be more than happy. Finally you will have that feeling of relaxing on the sofa in front of the TV again.
I also want to mention that these boxes are different to most you can find on the internet, as these are not Android systems with XBMC and they are not just boxes with XBMC installed either, these are pre-configured and plug and play.
You will be surprised what you will need to do even if XBMC is already installed it is time consuming and frustrating if you get it wrong. In addition they are configured to update automatically and we are always on hand if anything goes wrong.
Also to give you an idea the video playing in the video above was with a connection speed of 7-10 mbps